Online Trainings
Communities of Practices
These informal peer-to-peer webinars allow grantees to discuss and learn from one another on current trends related to victim service delivery.
Faces of Human Trafficking Blog Posts
This comprehensive series included nine powerful videos and discussion guides that delved into various aspects of trafficking. These materials provided crucial insights into understanding the crime, offering effective victim services, and addressing the legal needs and rights of victims.
Click here to view all the mandatory onboarding webinars and resources for your new OVC HT award.
These webinars are related to various training series that take place throughout the year. Links to recordings and resources are available in English and Spanish.
Start here for short videos on who is HTC, the 90 day checklists, closeout awards and more.
Improve Your Trainings
Accessibility Tools and Resources
The purpose of this resource is to provide accessibility tools that your organization can use to help make your content more accessible.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Glossary
The purpose of this glossary is to introduce common diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) language and terms. This resource is not meant to be a comprehensive list of terms, but rather establish foundational knowledge and understanding to promote conversation and continued learning.
Five Questions for Better Data Communications
As we share what we’ve learned-and continue to learn-on how to bring data to life, we recently added a new makeover page, which illustrates concrete tips with real-world examples. On the topic of
makeovers, this post outlines five questions to ask yourself when designing a graph for explanatory purposes. Devoting time holistically to these components will improve your value as a data
OVC HTC – TA Navigators
This one-pager provides insight and supporting information regarding OVC HTC’s TA Navigators.
OVC HTC – Who We Are
This one-pager outlines the purpose of the OVC Human Trafficking Collective (HTC) as well as provides insight surrounding support and training and technical assistance (TTA) offered.
Peer-to-Peer Strategies & Resources
This brief outlines top training and technical assistance (TTA) trends and grantee needs and provides direct links to support peer-to-peer strategies for each need.
Red Flags Series: Shifting Current Practices in the Anti-Trafficking Field
This introductory resource encourages moving away from using red flags as identifiers to improve identification of, training on, and responses to incidences of trafficking.
Red Flags Series: Supporting the Whole Person – Pre-Screening Guide Accompaniment
This guide provides examples when moving from the red flag framework to one that is more centered on the whole person and a larger context of the crime.
The Ultimate Guide: Data Visualization vs. Data Storytelling
We’re addicted to data. It helps us find golden revenue opportunities. It helps us slash project costs. Whatever path we seek or decision we are trying to make, we rely on data to get there. But sometimes instead of hastening decisions, data can actually hinder them. That’s because those who spend time gathering data have a tendency to want to show off ALL of it. Even data visualization experts – with ability to render beautiful, colorful charts and tables – will struggle to give their data meaning unless they know how to tell a story.
Training Self-Reflection Questions
These self-reflection question documents are organized topically to coincide with HTC’s ‘Developing Effective Human Trafficking Trainings’ Series and aim to support grantees in reviewing, assessing, considering, and updating pre-existing and/or developing new training materials.