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NEW! 2024 Red Flags Training Resource + Community of Practice Recordings (English & Spanish)

Apr 01


HTC is thrilled to share the newly released 2024 Red Flags Series – A Shift in Framework Training Resource to be utilized by OVC anti-trafficking service provider grantees and their partners in the field to move away from using red flags as identifiers and consider alternatives to improve identification and responses to incidences of trafficking. All anti-trafficking professionals can use these resources to improve person-centered, culturally relevant, trauma-informed, and community-specific identification and outreach in their communities and ultimately enhance and strengthen the individual, agency, and system’s response to people with lived experience.

Part 1: Enhancing Whole Person Responses in Service Delivery (January 31, 2024)

English Recording

English description goes here

Spanish Recording

Spanish description goes here

Part 2: Enhancing Training and Partnerships (February 28, 2024)

English Recording

English Description goes here

Spanish Recording

Spanish description goes here

Resource: The “Red Flag” Framework